An Artist in the making . . . Day by Day

My photo
I'm just a southern girl at heart. So, Hey ya'll and Welcome! I hope you find something beautiful here and hope your visit is interesting. If you like what you see here or simply want to check out more of my creations. See my store at I think that's all I want to say for now, except, Ya'll Come Back Real Soon Now, Ya Hear!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Weekend 2010 Painting Project

OK, the first victory I'm reporting is that I did follow through on my Holiday Weekend Plans.  I did spend the extra days at the lake "painting".  Although I haven't gotten my Studio Site set-up there yet.  I was very comfortable out on the community deck by the beach.....comfortable, as long as I stayed under the shade of the umbrella.  It was a beautiful day!  It was a HOT day!

Although the 100 mini paintings I started didn't get totally completed but should be done with another day's work put in on them.
Here they are so far......    



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If you ever get the chance to visit me at a display show you'll be able to pick-up the free offers, which I readily have available for everyone who stops by. But for now, sign-up as a follower and Receive this gift. Enjoy!