An Artist in the making . . . Day by Day

My photo
I'm just a southern girl at heart. So, Hey ya'll and Welcome! I hope you find something beautiful here and hope your visit is interesting. If you like what you see here or simply want to check out more of my creations. See my store at I think that's all I want to say for now, except, Ya'll Come Back Real Soon Now, Ya Hear!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday, May 20th, 2010

Art Photos: Trip Panama City Beach Florida

OK,  So my 24 yr old daughter tells me I take different kind of photos that most people.  She says there "artsy".  Oh, what a compliment...I can only hope my pictures will be classified as Artsy.  Here check them out and share your comments with me, please.

I will admit, that my purpose is to "capture a ideal moment" with every photo I take.  Whether there are people involved or not.  I'm thinking the photo should be complete & genuine.  It should be able to stand alone, relevant by itself.  So I will be able to frame it and it would stand alone as a 'captured moment' or depict people (family & friends) being natural, being themselves.  That's r-e-a-l.

Then there's always the photo shot that will be an excellent image/idea to translate into a Painting.  Always looking for new ideas in colors and all the instances that happen around me.

So I have lots of purposes in mind when I'm taking pictures.

These next ones were kind of cool taken from the 13th floor.....I really didn't think they would even be clear enough that you would be able to see anything but a blurrrrrrrrr.  So I'm happy with them. Even if it's just for my own purpose.  Just for my own satisfaction.  That's good.

You can even distinguish the Catamaran Sailboats on the beach.  Also the line of wooden Hotel lounge chairs stretched out along the beach too.

Then there are these of the sunset that greeted us when we arrived after a long 16 hour drive from Indiana.  WOW this was worth the whole trip!  I'll be able to do a lot with these photos.  And then there's the inspiration it has been for upcoming seascapes and sunsets and skies of red ........ ahhhhh..... the acrylic paintings that will come forth from this view I experienced first hand.

And this is spectacular....a night view of the pool from the 13th floor, very interesting shape and the lights around the deck.  Now, that's a real abstract....nice.  Thanks Panama City Beach for a great inspiration!



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