An Artist in the making . . . Day by Day

My photo
I'm just a southern girl at heart. So, Hey ya'll and Welcome! I hope you find something beautiful here and hope your visit is interesting. If you like what you see here or simply want to check out more of my creations. See my store at I think that's all I want to say for now, except, Ya'll Come Back Real Soon Now, Ya Hear!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

It begins today

My life is full of colors!

And what I mean by colors........ is so many different kinds of "passionate" people!

Now, passionate people are vibrant and intense even with the simple everyday things of life. In fact, with "colorful" people there are no simple things. This is what makes them passionate.

People are so very interesting....intrigueing.

Ahhhh........yes, we all have so much to offer each other!



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If you ever get the chance to visit me at a display show you'll be able to pick-up the free offers, which I readily have available for everyone who stops by. But for now, sign-up as a follower and Receive this gift. Enjoy!